I Found My Purpose...Now What?
It's one thing to find your purpose, but then what do you do afterwards?? Focus on personal growth, that's what! In this video, I share the 7 life areas where you can grow and develop into the person you are meant to be.
You already know your purpose. You’re aware of your personality, skillset, talents and passions. And by now you probably know your “why”.
…so what’s next? What do you do after you find your purpose?
Focus on personal growth, that’s what!
Before you start making an impact on the world, you first need to ensure that you are in good shape. You’re supposed to be serving God with your gifts from a position of overflow and abundance. And the truth is, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
So let’s make sure you’re filled up!
Personal growth and development is my passion. You can tell from the number of self-help books on my bookshelf. From all my reading, research and experience, I’ve found that there are 7 areas of life where you should always be growing and improving.
I call this the Wheel of Focus.
If these 7 areas of your life aren’t in check, it can be nearly impossible to move forward with pursuing your God-given purpose. It will feel like something is always weighing you down. Like you’re stuck in 1st gear and can’t seem to gain momentum. Like something is holding you back.
The Wheel of Focus tool is meant to bring clarity to your life and show you what you need to work on. It’s helped me time and time again. If you focus and concentrate on improving these areas of your life, you will see a change. I guarantee it.
I’m glad you asked! Here they are, in no particular order:
Faith: I always start with this one. When this is out of whack, everything else is too. This category includes things like prayer, Bible reading, daily devotions, church service, worship, etc.
Fitness: This includes physical, mental and emotional health as well as self-care activities.
Finances: This one is about how you handle money, including your income, tithes, paying off debts, saving, investing and giving back.
Family: This is time spent with family, including your spouse, children, parents, siblings, extended family, etc.
Fun: The stuff you do to enjoy your life (without compromising faith or finances, of course!)
Friends: These are the people you talk and hang out with, including your church small group, friends from school/work, neighbors, etc.
Career: This is what you do to earn a living. It could be a job, side hustle or a passion project where you sell something.
You can use the Wheel of Focus in 3 different ways. It can be a…
Self-assessment tool. The Wheel of Focus is an excellent way to “check-in” with yourself and see how life is going. I like to rate each category on a scale of 1-10 (1 is “the worst” and 10 is “perfect”). I do this at the beginning of each quarter to better understand how my life is actually going. (I’m usually pleasantly surprised.)
Vision board mind-map. The Wheel of Focus is PERFECT for mind-mapping and planning out your goals. As you look at each category, ask yourself: “If I could do anything, have anything or become anything, what would it be?” Then write your responses next to the category. (For example, for Finances you could say, I want to be debt free in 2 years.)
Priority list. As we mature and grow, our priorities can change. And that’s totally OK! You can use the Wheel of Focus to make a list of what’s important for you to focus on. (Like I always say, “You can do anything, but you can’t do everything!”) Having a list of priorities makes life much less complicated because it helps you determine what you will and won’t do. Right now, my priorities are as follows:
Faith - Hearing from God more often; being intentional with my evangelism
Fitness - Working out more often and getting stronger
Family/Friends - Spending quality time with loved ones; making new friends in Virginia (just moved here)
Career - Performing well in my new role at work
Finances - Buying a house!
Fun - Enjoying the warm weather at the pool; reading more books; singing
Does the Wheel of Focus seem like a useful tool for you? Let me know in the comments!